Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ballet Stars Now Tweet as Well as Flutter

" In the rarefied world of ballet, where dancers are expected to speak with their bodies, sometimes it seems that aloofness is something to aspire to. Lately, though, the ribbons are loosening. Courtesy of Twitter, dancers are starting to make themselves heard. It isn’t always dainty. "

Read more here

And FYI, I'm back online!  Yay.  Complicated problem fixed.  So now I have no excuse for going silent.  

Oh yes, think of me tomorrow morning when you are all in your warm beds at 5:00AM... which is when I'll be getting up to get myself into the city!  (My chauffeur is leaving between 6-6:15 or so, and I can't turn down hitching a ride at least to the light rail.  I know, I know - sad, pathetically sad, isn't it.  And the worst part is I'm going to sorely regret ever making the decision when that alarm goes off tomorrow - even though I'm not the type to sleep in anyway.  Oh, the sacrifices we dancers make!)  

Time to make tomorrow's sandwich...double check that I have everything I need in my bag, including light rail/bus tickets, cell phone, notebook, "all my dance stuff", etc, etc, etc.  And I do need to try to shoot for going to sleep very shortly.  My semi broken alarm only seems to offer me two pathetic rousing beeps, so let's pray I'm not too zonked to not hear them.  No fear of that, however, I literally wake wide-eyed at the drop of a hat, and especially when the cats jump on my door and rattle the shades in an effort to get IN at 2:30 or whatever ungodly hour they decide to prowl...  Oh yes, "cats?" you say!  More on them to come for sure - but in the very best way.  I love cats and these two are a lot of fun.  

.... Can't. Stop. Writing. !!  Must go now and get ready!  More to come very soon...



  1. BTW, I was up at 4:30am getting ready for a 6am work out. lol

  2. Wow - you definitely have me beat. My dancing day didn't start until 8:45! :D
