Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I feel so alive - it's amazing.  I got home early - at about 4:15.  I had to wait a bit for a bus, actually, because buses don't run frequently in the early afternoon (2:30-ish)!  A mice rehearsal was canceled that was supposed to be from 2:45-3:45, and as there were no other classes to be taken, I headed home.  I got a bus at about 3:15 and there were only 30 passengers.  It was nice to ride in actual daylight (albeit an overcast sky) and notice landmarks of the route - and other people outside.  Walking, talking, waiting for school buses, children playing outside - I could actually feel connected to the outside world - or should I say, human (sad as it may seem)!  Interesting sensation. 

Once I got home, I was actually walking in daylight still.  It was very invigorating.  I'm so used waking up in the dark and coming home in the dark that this was a sharp and noticeable contrast to my usual routine.  And once in awhile, that's really nice!  It's a luxury to be home this early - now it's dark and 5:15, so the daylight magic is kind of gone, but at least I have a whole evening ahead of me!  Time to eat dinner and do laundry, and then make sure I'm all ready for tomorrow.  I have a really long day ahead of me tomorrow - we get out at 6:15, unfortunately.  I need to catch a train home for Thanksgiving tomorrow evening (and psych up for braving the crowds & chaos!).  So why does it have to get dark so early?!  But it was a nice day and afternoon.  

Happy Thanksgiving!  What are you thankful for?

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